CONTEXT: // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, LAST READ OFFSET STARTS HERE // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Author: Kazumi Ono (AKA onokazu) // // URL:,, // // Project: The XOOPS Project // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // include('admin_header.php'); $op = ''; $ok = isset($_POST['ok']) ? intval($_POST['ok']) : 0; foreach (array('approved', 'topic_id', 'post_id') as $getint) { ${$getint} = isset($_POST[$getint]) ? intval($_POST[$getint]) : 0; } foreach (array('approved', 'topic_id', 'post_id') as $getint) { ${$getint} = (${$getint})?${$getint}:(isset($_GET[$getint]) ? intval($_GET[$getint]) : 0); } if (isset($_GET['op'])) $op = $_GET['op']; if (isset($_POST['op'])) $op = $_POST['op']; switch ($op) { case "del": $post_handler = &xoops_getmodulehandler('post', 'newbb'); if (!empty($ok)) { if (!empty($post_id)) { $post = &$post_handler->get($post_id); if ($ok == 2 && isset($post)) { $post_handler->delete($post, true); } sync($post->getVar('forum_id'), "forum"); sync($post->getVar('topic_id'), "topic"); } if ($post->istopic()) { redirect_header("index.php", 2, _AM_NEWBB_POSTSDELETED); exit(); } else { redirect_header("index.php", 2, _AM_NEWBB_POSTSDELETED); exit(); } } else { xoops_cp_header(); xoops_confirm(array('post_id' => $post_id, 'op' => 'del', 'ok' => 2), 'index.php', _AM_NEWBB_DEL_ONE); xoops_cp_footer(); } exit(); break; case "approve": if (isset($post_id) && $post_id > 0) { $post_handler = &xoops_getmodulehandler('post', 'newbb'); if ($post_handler->approve($post_id)) { redirect_header("index.php", 1, _AM_NEWBB_POSTAPPROVED); } else { redirect_header("index.php", 1, _AM_NEWBB_POSTNOTAPPROVED); } } elseif (isset($topic_id) && $topic_id > 0) { $topic_handler = &xoops_getmodulehandler('topic', 'newbb'); if ($topic_handler->approve($topic_id)) { redirect_header("index.php", 1, _AM_NEWBB_TOPICAPPROVED); } else { redirect_header("index.php", 1, _AM_NEWBB_TOPICNOTAPPROVED); } } exit(); break; /* removed */ case "mod": if (empty($post_id)) { redirect_header("index.php", 2, _MD_ERRORPOST); exit(); } else { xoops_cp_header(); newbb_adminmenu(0, ""); echo "
"; $post_handler = &xoops_getmodulehandler('post', 'newbb'); $forumpost = &$post_handler->get($post_id); $forum_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('forum', 'newbb'); $forum = $forum_handler->get($forumpost->getVar('forum_id')); $pid = $forumpost->getVar('pid'); $dohtml = $forumpost->getVar('dohtml'); $dosmiley = $forumpost->getVar('dosmiley'); $doxcode = $forumpost->getVar('doxcode'); $icon = $forumpost->getVar('icon'); $attachsig = $forumpost->getVar('attachsig'); $topic_id=$forumpost->getVar('topic_id'); $istopic = ( $forumpost->istopic() )?1:0; $isedit =1; $subject_pre=""; $subject=$forumpost->getVar('subject', "E"); $message=$forumpost->getVar('post_text', "E"); $poster_name=$forumpost->getVar('poster_name', "E"); $attachments=$forumpost->getAttachment(); $post_karma=$forumpost->getVar('post_karma'); $require_reply=$forumpost->getVar('require_reply'); $hidden = ""; $admin_form_action = "admin_post.php"; include '../include/'; xoops_cp_footer(); } exit(); break; /* */ case "createdir": if (isset($_GET['path'])) $path = $_GET['path']; $res = newbb_admin_mkdir($path); $msg = ($res)?_AM_NEWBB_DIRCREATED:_AM_NEWBB_DIRNOTCREATED; redirect_header('index.php', 2, $msg . ': ' . $path); exit(); break; case "setperm": $res = newbb_admin_chmod($path); $msg = ($res)?_AM_NEWBB_PERMSET:_AM_NEWBB_PERMNOTSET; redirect_header('index.php', 2, $msg . ': ' . $path); exit(); break; case "senddigest": $digest_handler = &xoops_getmodulehandler('digest', 'newbb'); $res = $digest_handler->process(true); $msg = ($res)?_AM_NEWBB_DIGEST_FAILED:_AM_NEWBB_DIGEST_SENT; redirect_header('index.php', 2, $msg); exit(); break; case "default": default: xoops_cp_header(); newbb_adminmenu(0, "Index"); $imageLibs = newbb_getImageLibs(); echo "
" . _AM_NEWBB_PREFERENCES . ""; echo "
" . _AM_NEWBB_POLLMODULE . ": "; $module_handler = &xoops_gethandler('module'); $xoopspoll = &$module_handler->getByDirname('xoopspoll'); if (is_object($xoopspoll)) $isOK = $xoopspoll->getVar('isactive'); else $isOK = false; echo ($isOK)?_AM_NEWBB_AVAILABLE:_AM_NEWBB_NOTAVAILABLE; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""._AM_NEWBB_IMAGEMAGICK." "; if(array_key_exists('imagemagick',$imageLibs)) { echo ""._AM_NEWBB_AUTODETECTED.$imageLibs['imagemagick'].""; } else { echo _AM_NEWBB_NOTAVAILABLE; } echo "
"; echo "NetPBM: "; if(array_key_exists('netpbm',$imageLibs)) { echo ""._AM_NEWBB_AUTODETECTED.$imageLibs['netpbm'].""; } else { echo _AM_NEWBB_NOTAVAILABLE; } echo "
"; echo _AM_NEWBB_GDLIB1." "; if(array_key_exists('gd1',$imageLibs)) { echo ""._AM_NEWBB_AUTODETECTED.$imageLibs['gd1'].""; } else { echo _AM_NEWBB_NOTAVAILABLE; } echo "
"; echo _AM_NEWBB_GDLIB2." "; if(array_key_exists('gd2',$imageLibs)) { echo ""._AM_NEWBB_AUTODETECTED.$imageLibs['gd2'].""; } else { echo _AM_NEWBB_NOTAVAILABLE; } echo "
"; echo "
" . _AM_NEWBB_ATTACHPATH . ": "; $attach_path = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $xoopsModuleConfig['dir_attachments'] . '/'; $path_status = newbb_admin_getPathStatus($attach_path); echo $attach_path . ' ( ' . $path_status . ' )'; echo "
" . _AM_NEWBB_THUMBPATH . ": "; $thumb_path = $attach_path . 'thumbs/'; // be careful $path_status = newbb_admin_getPathStatus($thumb_path); echo $thumb_path . ' ( ' . $path_status . ' )'; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo "
" . _AM_NEWBB_BOARDSUMMARY . ""; echo "
"; echo _AM_NEWBB_TOTALTOPICS . " " . get_total_topics() . " | "; echo _AM_NEWBB_TOTALPOSTS . " " . get_total_posts(0, 'all') . " | "; echo _AM_NEWBB_TOTALVIEWS . " " . get_total_views() . "

"; $report_handler = &xoops_getmodulehandler('report', 'newbb'); echo "
" . _AM_NEWBB_REPORT . "";