README.TXT for An operational model for characters and glyphs Background At this time the document, "An operational model for characters and glyphs", is in the process of being adopted as an ISO/IEC technical report. The file, CGOM9606.DOC, is the current draft (dated June 24, 1996) of the proposed technical report. Note, if ISO/IEC eventually approves it, the adopted technical report may be quite different from the current draft. The primary contributors to the document are: Glenn Adams - Spyglass Mark Davis - Taligent Alan Griffee - IBM Edwin Hart - SHARE, Inc. John Jenkins - Apple Computer Rick McGowan - NeXT Software Edwin Smura - Xerox (retired) Steve Strasen - Xerox Participants in the US X3L2 and X3V1 technical standards committees, in the Unicode Technical Committee, and in ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC2 and JTC 1/SC 18. The Document The document is in Microsoft Word for Windows, version 6 format. If you do not have this product, Microsoft has made a freeware Microsoft Word viewer available. Look into: There you will find instructions for downloading the Microsoft Word viewer. If the address for the viewer changes, you can go to go to the search page, and then do a search on 'wordviewer' and it will give you relevant information. Microsoft has both Windows 3.1 and Windows/95 versions of the viewer, so be sure to download the right one. Edwin Hart June 25, 1996