README for X11R6.7.0 on NetBSD

1. What and Where is X11R6.7?
2. New OS dependent features
2.1. New OS dependent features in 4.2.0
2.2. New OS dependent features in 4.1.0
2.3. New OS dependent features in 4.0.2
2.4. New OS dependent features in 4.0.1
2.5. New OS dependent features in 4.0
2.6. New OS dependent features in 3.9.18
2.7. New OS dependent features in 3.9.17
3. Installing the Binaries
4. Configuring X for Your Hardware
4.1. About mouse configuration
5. Running X
5.1. Starting Xdm, the display manager
6. Kernel Support for X
6.1. Console drivers
6.2. Aperture Driver
6.3. MIT-SHM
7. Rebuilding the X Distribution
7.1. Perl support
7.2. Aperture driver
7.3. Console drivers
7.4. Building on other architectures
8. Building New X Clients
9. Thanks